Ekaterina Goncharova
Joined the Theater Studio Experiment in the end of 2019.
Has PhD degree in cell biology. Senior analyst at Advance Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Directorate of Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc at National Cancer Institute of NIH.
Was a member of Rhythmic Gymnastics team at School of Sports.
Had training in basic choreography and improvisation of dance to
the music for various dance styles.
From 2017 to the end of 2019 was an actress and choreographer at
nonprofit community theater BHAT (Baltimore,MD).
Always was intrigued by DRAMA THEATER and is very interested and highly motivated to learn acting techniques based on various acting methods.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the annual USA Festival
of nonprofit drama theaters "Vash Vihod".
"Happy to be a part of the wonderful Theater Studio Experiment team and grateful for the opportunity to learn about theater and acting."
В театре Эксперимент участвовала в проектах:
- "Носорог" 2024 Лавочница и Хозяйка
- Поэтический вечер. Фантазия на тему стихов поэтов XX-XXI веков. Спектакль "Сказка о дожде" Б. Ахмадулиной. 2023
- "Зойкина Квартира" Агнесса Ферапонтовна 2023