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about the Experiment Theater

Спектакль «Зойкина Квартира» - рецензия на спекталь в журнале "Чайка", автор Ирина Чайковская, апрель 2022  -  читать...



'  «Гримасы НЭПа»... Но ведь таких людей же на самом деле не было: Булгаков сочинил своих фантомов, не правда ли? Как Гоголь Чичикова и Ноздрева? Поразительна сила воображения художника: он сумел навязать нам свою непостижимую сегодня амбивалентность. В «Зойкиной» есть и тоска по Парижу, и презрение к жуликам и бандитам, но и брезгливая неприязнь к «бывшим», хорошо видная и в «Беге». «Зойкина» шла у Вахтангова два с лишним года. Ах, как хотел Булгаков стать советским драматургом и как это ему никогда не удавалось! И как он хотел в Париж! 


Актёрские работы все хороши, прекрасное взаимодействие, слаженная работа на сцене, необычные, сложные декорации и работа co cветом.


Никак не назовешь «Эксперимент» любительским коллективом: многое зависит от энтузиазма актеров и уровня режиссёра. Мне сказали, что премьера «Зойкиной» прошла в апреле 2022, а до того два года ковида Рoгозина занималась с актерами по Зуму. Булгаков, я думаю, был бы от Зума в восхищении. '

' Театр «Эксперимент» (Мэриленд, район Большого Вашингтона, режиссер Ирина Рогозина) поставил «Зойкину квартирту». Я давно не перечитывал этот текст Булгакова, и скорее скептически относился к «Зойкиной» по сравнению с трагическими «Днями Турбиных», «Кабалой святош», «Бегом»... Но спектакль «Эксперимента» меня сразу захватил и убедил. «Ателье» – оно же пошивочная мастерская, она же дом свиданий — зримо связано с Варьете из «Мастера и Маргариты». Параллели прямо обозначены: «Зоя, вы — чёрт!» Предприимчивая и циничная Зоя Пельц (Елена Семёнова) развернула дело на широкую ногу.

Поток безумия захватывает всех; это и несчастный «бывший граф» Павел Обольянинов (Андрей Вовк), давно уже морфинист; и сама Зойка; и её предприимчивый кузен, ныне шулер и жулик Аметистов (Юрий Маслюков), успевающий смыться до финальной облавы; и другие «бывшие», такие как вальяжный гость «нехорошей квартиры» Робер (Константин Сальников)... Позже персонажи эти превратятся, как известно: Аметистов в Бендера, Обольянинов в Воробьянинова; все ведь варились в одном котле — Булгаков, Ильф и Петров, Олеша, Катаев, да и Маяковский (казалось бы, антагонист Булгакова, а насколько близка «Зойкина» и к «Бане», и к «Клопу», в которых и героиня тоже Зоя)...'




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The play "Marriage". Theater Tour to New York, Broadway, June Havoc Theater, January 2016.

"Russian theater that bridges cultures" - article about the theater Experiment on the site Migrante21  -  read ...

Blog magazine "The Seagull", scenes from the play and interviews  -  watch...

Voice of America  - "Winter" in Washington, DC

A theater workshop has existed in Maryland for several years. IT brought together people of different professions who are sincerely in love with the scene. About the new production of the "Experiment" theater - in the video.

Voice of America - The theater begins with the Experiment. Russian classics “almost according to Gogol” in Washington are set by programmers, teachers and accountants

"Theater as an experiment" - a blog magazine "The Seagull", interviews with participants of the production  -  read more...

The play "Money to Burn" - the premiere of the Washington Theater "Experiment"

The play "Money to Burn" - the premiere of the Washington Theater "Experiment" , author Olga Krichenko - read more...

The play "Money to Burn" - video, author Irina Tchaikovskaya

"Бешеные деньги" - Трагикомедия в двух действиях.

The play "Money to Burn" - a review of the show in the magazine "The Seagull", by Irina Tchaikovskaya - read more ...

A new production of the Russian theater of Greater Washington

video coverage NewsRtvi

The Anchor: A new performance by a Russian-language theater in the capital of the USA gathered the audience of true admirers of Anton Chekhov’s work. This stage version is performed by those who emigrated to the USA from the former Soviet Union—among them, lawyers and computer programmers, the World Bank and State Department employees, students and retirees. The ultimate task of these non-professional actors is to expose their audience to Russian language and culture.

Our correspondent Alexander Panov visited the premiere of Chekhov’s The Seagull at the Theater Studio Experiment, Washington, DC.

Panov:  This is the second performance by the Experiment Theater in Washington, DC. The theater’s group members in their professional life are lawyers and computer programmers, consultants and educators at the World Bank and State Department, retirees and students. Most importantly, these are the people who are deeply in love with theater. They come together twice a week for the last three years to make theater happen—through endless stage search for their characters and themselves.

Sergey Ostrovsky: (“Sorin”; a computer programmer): “The Seagull is often performed in Moscow; only recently there were three staged versions. We do not wish to imitate after someone, but it would be nice to succeed—our goal is not to make it better or prove something. We are doing it for ourselves. We see our own growth as human beings, as actors.

Panov:  This most mysterious of Chekhov’s plays, subtitled as a ‘comedy’ by its author, which famously failed at its premiere in the Alexandrinsky Theater [St. Petersburg, 1896], enjoyed a great number of interpretations.

The current director Dmitry Shakhov (known to the RTVI viewers by his daily documentary reports from Washington, DC), several years ago was one of the actors in The Seagull staged in English by Andrey Babel, the grandson of the famous writer

Isaac Babel. Across the world, the directors when struggle to transfer the action in the play to other epochs and places, look for the inner mechanisms and beauty of the dramaturgy.

Shakhov: Over the whole year, as we staged The Seagull, we experimented with various styles, various approached. In the end we had a feeling that The Seagull led us to a sort of original version of performance.

Alexander Graynovsky: (“Dorn”; CPA): This is Chekhov; Chekhov is a genius writer. A man who felt a human soul. … A lady who saw our play told me yesterday: “I forgot what a scandal is, and here on stage, I see a scandal, a passion, a scream.” She was not comfortable with it. But this is life.

NewsRTVI - Premiere of "The Seagulls" at the Experiment Theater.

Panov:  Irina Rogozina is the only professional actress among the performers. In her regular life, she gets up daily at 5 am to be in time at the State Department where she works as a Russian language instructor. In the Experiment Theater, she shares her professional secrets conducting physical and psychological training, among them. She is a full co-author of this performance.

Irina Rogozina (“Arkadina”): I like people who have an internal flame, a desire to do things. It does not matter if you are a professional or not—I see when people are involved. “Hard in training, easy in the battle” (a Russian saying) - and we combine training with performance. Actors are great—and they inspire me, I hope this is mutual: I inspire them.