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Svetlana Vasilchenko

Actress, photographer, dresser

At the Experiment Theater since 2014.

She actively helped in the preparation of the performances “Passenger without baggage”, “Marriage”, “Crazy Money” as a photographer, dresser, stage worker and support group.

She graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electronic engineering. As a child, she sang in a school choir and learned to play the button accordion.


Passion for photography become partially profession -

Participation in projects:

  • Landowner Popova, "The Bear" based on a play by Chekhov;

  • Guest, "Wedding" based on the play by Zoshchenko;

  • Student, radio play "Untitled play" by Zoe Voinova.


In the theater "Experiment" participated in the project:

- "Зойкина Квартира" 2022  Лизанька/ 1-я безответственная дама/пластические номера

- "Бешеные деньги" 2018  Дама

- "Женитьба" 2015-2016 дама Мечты


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